Early in the morning, me and cypawl173 went to a car wash..
to groom our cruise machine..

From Giant convoy to Asma Hotel..

Arrived at ASMA Hotel..

TBC Member..

VIP parking..

TIDAK!!!!!!~~~ haha.. Naz being himself..

TBC Ladies..

Ready to Dine in..

Cypawl173, Alex132 N Joe..

z13(zammerul) and Father

z13 N sister

z13 (Raja Sehari)

Myam N IKA132

Getting ready to Escort Z13's limozine..

z13's Limozine

z13 entering the Limo..

Arrived at destination..

Wedding Gate..

z13 (Mohd Zammerul) and Syu (Khairul Bariyah)
Husband and Wife
Newly Wed..

Nikah Picture.. Capture from Projector slide..

Suap suapan.. Malay Tradition..

Cypawl173 in action

Congratz bro..

Ghosthy and ma'am.. Bila bro?.. bulan dua?.. hehe.. ok..

TBC resting..

nightfallangelz261(RX8 club), z13 and gee..

Arrange our coupe for photoshot..

King and Queen...

Posing infront z13's coupe..

nightfallangelz261's Ride

Four Tomato Kit Coupe.. Nicez..

End of Photo shot...