It's all started from my old car breaking down at highway, SEVERAL TIME... sasak ku time atu.. ehhh.. over heat, battery flat and engine pacah lagi tu... guyz, time tu buy a NEW CAR...
Searching, searching, searching ( 1 year later ).......
Take time cari kerita yang sesuai, haha... then one day, father ku suggest the NEW 2008 hyundai coupe (balum lagi ada bejual di brunei time atu bro,eh! cemana father ku tau ahh)...
so i went to Hyundai agent (Setia Motor) to have a look and ask about at this new coupe..
zoomm~~~~~ pakai kerita father ku ke Setia Motor.. haha..
clip clamp clip...
keluar tia my new coupe on 07th september 2007...
Tapi road tax ku bulan 5... hairan ku tu.. hmm...

On the 22nd May 2008 got new shoes.. Horey~~~~.. i went to max centre, with my 3k in my wallet (kan kuyak wallet ku, tabal eh pocket ku time atu.. hehe..).. But the first choice was unsuccesful... rim inda fit.. so rim alternative saja lah... Boleh tahan jua ah.. wide di belakang...
Front : 235/35/19
Back : 265/30/19

The Disadvantage is back fender ku kena roll and pull out lagi sikit.. terkana fender ku.. aaaaaa~~~~~~~~..... belanja lagi B$300.00 tu arah aziz latiff.. did a great job on my fender.. nicez..

Then come the my bodykit (KDM Full Bodykit from Tomato).. i have ordering this kit before i change my car shoe..
first time i show the kit is at the internet, i think it was called "SEMA" sumting on the website.. antah lah.. long time ago, can't remember..
i try to order the kit from Hyundai agent but at that time they don't order kit.. Now they do!!.. apa lah.. at that time, i order the kit and other part at seng yeong in kg jangsak.. At least Hyundai agent help me out with the kit to be approved at JPD.. Thank you....
clap climp clap..........
bodykit ku sampai~~~~

High spoiler...
Siap dah.... hurey.....

Full Bodykit - $2,800.00
High Spoiler - $550.00
Side mirror with led signal - $350.00
Rim & trye - $3,000.00
JVC touch screen + Special ordered cable video ipod + Video ipod 80GB - $1,930.00
Custom made meter dash board + cable - $130.00
Body modification
Rear fender (wide body)- $300.00
repair and paint back all kit - $470.00 ( Damage during driving at pantai seri kenangan )